By statically analyzing the program, we can create a system of constrained branches, and apply it to our input to explore interesting execution paths. It is approaching a program by viewing it as a set of branching paths, rather than analyzing it input by input.


  1. Treat the inputs as symbolic values
  2. When we encounter a conditional that affects the symbol, we use it to create a constraint and apply it to our symbol
  3. The split the path into 2, for both possible paths of execution Once, we find a branch that leads to a desired execution path, we evaluate the input constraints that lead us there. Sometimes the input that lead us to a path may have many values, or may be unsatisfiable. If a challenge is written correctly, we should have only 1 input.



  • Can lead to path explosion in larger programs. This is why you want angr to analyze as little as possible

Dynamic Symbolic Execution (Concolic Analysis)

A mix between symbolic and concrete execution. Execute what you can concretely, and use symbolic execution for certain segments