Mermaid js is a javascript library that allows markdown generation of diagrams like flowcharts and trees. Obsidian natively supports mermaid.js, so we can generate diagrams very easily using code blocks ```
Tree diagrams
graph TD; id1((2)) --> id2((7)); id1((2)) --> id3((5)); id2((7)) --> id4((2)); id2((7)) --> id5((10)); id2((7)) --> id6((6)); id3((5)) --> id7((9)); id7((9)) --> id8((4)); id6((6)) --> id9((5)); id6((6)) --> id10((11));
graph TD; Start-->Y Start-->N Y-->YY Y-->YN N-->NY N-->NN
Flow charts
graph TD; A(Make Bed) B(Spend 17 hours trying to tuck the corner of the sheet in) C(End) D(Well what else are you going to do?) A-->|Yes|B B-->C A-->|Leave|C A-->|No|D D-->B