A style checker for python code. It is part of python Code Linting

Statement Types

Pointless Statement

If a statement can be removed, or added to another previous statement without change to the program.

result = a + b;
result * c; # this does nothing
return result;

Unreachable Statement

Statements that are after return values.

return "ended ok?";
print("i am not going to run");

Unused Argument

If a required parameter is unused.

Undefined Variable

A variable is used without being defined beforehand


Redefined Builtin

If any variable or function name shares a similar name to any [[Python builtins]]

Unexpected Indent

Python cares about indentation for its syntax

Redefined Outername

When the function name is defined as another value.

total(num1, num2):
	total = num1 + num2
	return total