A type of removable data storage

SD Size Variations


Stores from 4MB-4GB

Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC)

Storage capacity of 4GB-32GB

Secure Digital Extended Capacity

Storage capacity of 32GB-2TB

SD Speed Ratings

Speed Class

Can come in 2MB/s, 4MB/s, 6MB/s, 8MB/s or 10MB/s

Ultra High Speed Class (UHS)

Can read and write at a minimum of 30 MB/s

Video Speed Class

Supports video standards like 4K and 8K. The lowest version V6 supports 6 MB/s, but the highest version V90 supports 90 MB/s

Application Performance Class

Video card standard IOPS


1500 IOPS reading 500 IOPS writing


4000 IOPS readin 2000 IOPS writing