System reasons for Income inequality
- Capitalism rewards profit and punishes failure. We are incentivised to make as much as we can
- Some have more sources of income like rent, dividends, intrest. Somedont
- Monopolization / Oligopolization
Social Reasons for Income Inequality
- People have different physical and mental abilities
- Disability
- Some people are born to be athletes
- Skill gap in education and training
- Some are willing to work harder and longer than others
- People are willing to take extra risk and responsibility.
- Firefighters
- Gamblers
- Family background
- Nepotism & connections
- Inheritance
- Market power of certain monopolies and the union strength
- Discrimination of race, religion, culture, etc.
- Regional economic disparaties
- Alberta economy better due to oil boom
Solutions to Reduce Income Inequality
- Better public education. Ensure that no 2 tiered system of rich public schoolers and poor peasants is created
- Welfare state. Using welfare to fund social programs like EI, social security, etc
- Progressive tax policy. Tax the rich higher rates
- Equity hiring
Methods of Attack
Relief: Band aid solutions. Solutions that do not address the root causes of poverty. Structural: Building infrastructure and providing training to address the root causes of unemployment