operators require:

  1. an operation
  2. two operators(called operands) operators are Lamba Functions which return(or not) a value depending on the operator used. operators can have more than one meaning. eg, the - operator can be used to negate or subtract


+returns sum of operand1 + operand2`
-returns result of operand1 - operand2 or can be used to negate a number
*returns product of operand1 * operand2
/returns division of operand1 / operand2
==returns boolean if operand1 equals operand2
?:c ? a : b. if c is true, evaluate x, if c is false, evaluate y

C++ Exclusive

Extraction Operator Insertation Operator

Keyword Operators

deletedoes not return.
throwdoes not return. throws an Exception

Unary vs Binary


Operators act on one operand. take for example -a. only one operand


Operators act on two operand. 3+4 is one, 2-2 is one Insertation Operator and Extraction Operator are also binary


acts on 3 operands. the only one is the Conditional Operator


acts on 0 operands. the only one is throw