A command line utility to allow for communication to an emulated android device. Allows you to:

  • Install apps
  • Send commands to a shell
  • Upload/Download files

Installation (Arch)

  1. sudo pacman -S android-tools

Installation (Windows)




  • adb devices
  • adb install <pathtoapkfile> - installs an apk to the device
  • adb push <pathtofile> - downloads a file to device
  • adb pull <pathtofile> - downloads a file from device
  • adb shell - opens a shell to the emulator where you can issue commands
  • adb connect <ip> - connect to the emulator from a VM.

Connect to emulator from VM ( on the emulated android device is equivalent to localhost on the host machine. If you have a VM that can communicate to localhost, you can also communicate to this android device. You can use adb connect on the VM, and then you can communicate to the device.