Its the datascience notebook

pip install jupyterlab

it takes a while.

When done, then run it with jupyter lab

it opens a local server. Don’t disconnect the terminal or CTRL+C, it will shut down the local server.

this is our lab

I made a new notebook

write in that highlighted grey segment, and then

run the code, it will output that stuff below.

And also you can use apache magic commands.

ls will actually do dir. These magic commands are most used for servers if you are linking a server to jupyter notepad.

Some other important things is that if you go to the dropdown bar, and select kernel. You can choose to restart the kernel or interrupt. This will just be CTRL+C, or restarting in your actualy kernel.


instead of spawning a notebook, you could have also spawned a console. Just like a console shell regularly. shift+enter to run the code snippet

also, if you try to exit(), it just spawns a new one.

resets the console so all variables declared previously are lost.


You can also just straight up open your terminal.

kind of useless again. Im using windows right now, it opens up your default terminal. If I was on unix, I would type different commands

its kind of crazy that this is an actual terminal, of my actual computer here. If I was using jupyter as a webserver, anybody who gets access to this terminal

can access the rest of the computer. Weak link through the browser, why jupyter why???

Jupyters got a lot of useless features. Like you can make a python file, but you cant run it, you need to use the terminal to run it.

and so just use their already made terminal