Before Hacking
- The guy I was planning to build with dipped
- Met 3 ppl. took so long to find the last member, its so weird most ppl are in teams of 3/4, hard to find others that are indivudual. Admittedly, I was finding people in person, searching online wouldve been easier I suppose
- The prize tracks are as follows:
- RBC Tech (Best Security Threats) - 1000 dollars
- Databricks (Best use) - Legos, was told that databricks is adopted in Sci-kit Learn and Terraform
- Terraform (Best use) - Mech board
- Auth0 (Best use) - Something
- We are told that:
- Demo video (2-5min) for showcasing demo of the app
- Pitch (2-5min) for pitching the app
Session Notes
Intro Session
- Erin tells us to learn Git, DevOps
- Being memorable is more important than being the smartest in the room
Milos RBC Cybersecurity
He talks about the challenges we face in the cyber landscape He is a red-teamer.
Milos tell us to focus on mobile app data management
During Build
- Roles are established and I am working on twilioo
- I have to create a system that can call and recieve calls
- I make 3 free twilio accounts
- The function to call is very straightforwards
- The function to recieve requires twillio to watch post requests for a site and then return the response given by a POST requets’s XML response
- The way to establish communication is to use a Connection and Stream tag
- I spent very long trying to setup the webhook link to be accurate with AWS, it ended up being a lot easier to just ngrok to setup a tunnel on the public internet
- I did not figure out how to get recording the conversation to work, we could record the muval data, but could not decode property, I could not find a way to decode, i tried AssemblyAI and Vox
- Worked on frontend a bit, added a PWA Agent, but it does not appear to work in full
- Looked back at twilio: