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My Starrs

Skill: Leadership

During my senior year of high school, I ran our school’s design club, running workshops in woodworking, graphic design, and embedded programming. I was responsible for organizing club meetings from start to finish. From budgeting, marketing, presenting, and networking for our various workshops. For our practical demos, I’d occasionally setup servers to host our software, working closely with my executive team and supervisor in ensuring proper regulations and budget constraints were met. During the week, I delegated tasks to team members, monitored progress reports, setup collaborations with other clubs, and allocated 4-5 hours of personal research to ensure meetings were the most insightful. I actively searched for mentors with experience in the projects I had planned. Along the way, I’d also discovered tools like Apache Guacamole that were crucial in ensuring meetings went smoothly. Our club became quite active near the end of the school year, garnering over 15 meetings with 80 members in total. This experience highlights my drive to bring about solutions and my desire to work and learn with others.

Skill: Working Under Pressure

In the final 10 hours at Hack The Valley, as a full-stack developer, I had the responsibility of integrating the backend, frontend, and database layers of our food bank project while my team-mates were asleep.  I outlined all the tasks that were required during the first few hours to get a sense of where the priorities were. First, I adjusted the frontend user interface, then I setup backend APIs for user data to be updated and read in the database. When bugs appeared, I reverse engineered the resulting library to see where the compatibility bugs lied. After the minimum viable product was finished, I deployed the application on a cloud server with a custom domain name. I had enough energy left over to give an enthusiastic pitch and demo about our product for 3 rounds of judging. After the event was over, our project was praised by the community and received positive feedback from the judges. This experience shows my ability to work in tense situations and my versatility in working with a variety of software.