A collection of nodes and edges which represent relations between claims. Usually required if your argument is 5-10 nodes.
- Top node is your conclusion
- Every green node is in support
- Every red node is a rebuttle
- First node should have an implicit unstated premise
Drawing 2025-01-21 12.14.30.excalidraw
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Text Elements
My conclusion
This is a premise
This is an unstated premise associated with conclusion
This is an unstated premise associated with this premise
Some contrast
Link to original
- Start on paper
- Do premises necessitate your conclusion?
- Do you need more information?
Even thought killing is wrong and john did kill Joe, what John did was morally permissible. Further, he was protecting his siblings from harm.
Drawing 2025-01-21 12.19.44.excalidraw
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John killing Joe is morally permissible
Killing is permissible if in self defense
John killed in self defense
John killed to protect siblings
Killing is wrong in all cases
John Killed Joe
Killing in self defense protects more lives
Killing is permissible if its to protect others
Killing to protect saves more lives
All moral actions are done to maximize hapiness
Killing isn’t wrong in self defense
Killing isn’t wrong if its to protect
Killing reduces the happiness of the entire population
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