fucking hate google, but what alternative do I have? Libre office sucks! If only there was a method to port these thoughts easier. Damn you google and your monolithic techniques

LibreOffice Headings

We get into libreoffice. Libreoffice is a skill it is a skill. I start to like it once I understand it…

So how do we turn a google document with headings into a functional libreoffice document?

Download to libreoffice

now follow this:

  1. Select your heading

  2. ALT+P

  3. Change Outline level to Heading level

  4. If you have multilevel headings, then go to this panel in your navigator

    1. Change level to whatever lowest/highest level heading you have

Anchor settings

By the way, just anchor as character as default please for images.

Tools > Options > LibreOfficeWriter > Anchor settings > Anchor As Character