This calculator is quite decent.

Memory Features This one can create variables(lets call it the stack), and another we can add/subtract values to our previous memory pile(heap lets say).


Storing Variables

  1. Type in a number
  2. Shift+RCL β†’ STO
  3. Tap one of the alpha letters

Using Variables

There are 2 methods:

  1. Use RCL, then tap one of the alpha letters
  2. Alpha+alpha letter

Memory Heap

Adding/Removing to M

  1. Have any value, whether it be from an equation, or simply a value typed in. at the end of the equation DONT press =, Instead, press M+ OR shift + M+ β†’ M-
  2. Clear right after, you don’t want to press = because that will repeat the memory addition

Viewing M

2 ways:

  1. Use RCL, then tap M
  2. Alpha + M


  • Cannot do logs of different bases
  • Cannot graph
  • no CAS