These come in 4 types:
- Phone interview
- One-on-one interview
- Panel interview
- Virtual interview
Question Types
First or last questions that are related to yourself and your skills:
- Tell me about yourself
- Walk me through your resume Repond with:
- Present Past Future Method
Informational/Skill Based
Questions focused on identifying skills and qualifications
- Why do you want to work for this company?
- What skills can you bring to this role? Respond with:
- PEC Method
Questions that focus on past experiences
- Describe a situation where you were playing an important role
- Tell me about a situation where you solved a problem Respond with:
Hypothetical questions
- What would you do if a client complained about a product Respond with:
- DAE Method
Broad questions that give you a chance to highlight your personal values
- Why did you choose your major?
- How do you define successs? Respond with:
- PEC Method
These are questions that aim to reveal a candidates weaknesses and ability to self reflect
- What is your greatest weakness
- What is one thing you would change about yourself Respond with:
- Sandwich Method
Accomplishment oriented
Focus on the candidates past
- What accomplishment are you most proud of? Respond with:
- PEC Method
Used to gauge technical profficiency
- How do you perform a Binary Search Respond with:
- DAE Method
- ACE Method