character input reads from from keyboard. you must use the Extraction Operator to store the variable from input

int x{};
std::cin >> x;

Multi Inputs

If you want to have the user input several things on same line seperated by space:

int x{};
int y{};
std::cin >> x >> y; // 2 numbers store in x and y respectively

input:7 8 x=7, y=8

the C++ IO library requires us to press enter in order to read input. there are other methods of accepting input too with third party libraries

Unintended Effects

cin ends after whitespace, you previous input is fed into the stream for the next cin to gobble up.

For example: if you enter John Joe as the input, and you setup 2 std::cin >> somevar the solution is to use getline()

Input Auto-filter

Sometimes when we have initiated variables like int x, and we feed it some numbers and string from input like 99a182, the reader continues reading memory until it find some block of memory that is not an integer, so it would make the x=99

Input Carry-over

Inputting more than one character when asking for inputted chars, will make the next inputted char carry over from the previous input