Suppose is linear As preserves adding as preseves scaling
Suppose satisfies For all and We check preserves addition Suppose , this gives: Thus, we have shown both sides
Suppose T:V→W is linear T((a⊡u)⊞(b⊡v)) =T(a⊡u)⊕T(b⊡v) As T preserves adding =(a⊙T(u))⊕(b⊙T(v)) as T preseves scaling
Suppose T satisfies T((a⊡u))⊞(b⊡v) =(a⊙T(u))⊕(b⊙T(v)) For all a,b∈F and u,v∈V We check T preserves addition Suppose a=b=1∈F, this gives: T((1⊡u))⊞(1⊡v) =(1⊡T(u))⊞(1⊙T(v)) ⟺T(u⊞v)=T(u)+T(v) Thus, we have shown both sides