It is the least Upper Bound. Assumes the Completeness Axiom Most of the time it is the Max, but it can also exist if the maximum doesnt like cases




Let and , we say that is in the Supremum of if:

  1. is an upper bound of ()
  2. if is an upper bound of , then

Alternate Definition (Approximation Theorem)

We can approximate as close as we wish using elements of . Given any tolerance , then the max - is not an upper bound. Theorem: Assume is an upper bound of a non-empty set , then s.t .


Note and is bounded above (since is an upper bound) so:

  • exists by Least Upper Bound Property of Completeness Axiom () Assume Let be arbitrary. Let We want to assume for contradiction that b is an upper bound. This means , . . This contradicts that is the least upper bound. Therefore is an upper bound is a contradiction. Thus Thus () Let be arbitrary. Assume s.t Assume for contradiction that is an upper bound and Then Then Choose Then Then This means that B is no longer a upper bound. This is a contradiction. So, our was a contradiction. Thus So
