A tool that comes prepackaged when downloading the network-manager package Alternative to wpa_supplicant

Connecting to network


  1. sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
  2. nmcli dev status if your wireless device is up, then you can connect. if not then, follow these steps:
    1. rfkill or sudo rfkill and enable the wireless device
    2. sudo ip link set yourwirelessdeivce up
  3. nmcli device wifi list find all connectable networks. remember that SSID
  4. nmcli dev wifi connect SSID password THEPASSWORD
  5. reboot if its your first time. ping gnu.org to check if it works

Connecting to school network


  • nmcli connection add type wifi con-name "CampusWifi" ifname wlan0 ssid eduroam
  • nmcli connection edit CampusWifi
  • set 802-1x.eap peap
  • set 802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2
  • set 802-1x.identity _yourUsername_
  • set 802-1x.password _yourPassword_
  • set wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap
  • save
  • activate you might need to set 802.11… SSID

DNS Changing

  • nvim /etc/resolv.conf
  • Remove the google DNS and add your own
  • Set the file to have Immutable File Attribute with chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
  • sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Disable IPv6

Sometimes in DNS can be bypassed with IPv6. To stop this, you must disable ipv6.

  • nmcli connection show. Get the network name
  • nmcli connection modify "network name" ipv6.method "disabled"
  • sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager