A tool that comes prepackaged when downloading the network-manager
Alternative to wpa_supplicant
Connecting to network
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
nmcli dev status
if your wireless device is up, then you can connect. if not then, follow these steps:rfkill
orsudo rfkill
and enable the wireless devicesudo ip link set yourwirelessdeivce up
nmcli device wifi list
find all connectable networks. remember that SSIDnmcli dev wifi connect SSID password THEPASSWORD
- reboot if its your first time.
ping gnu.org
to check if it works
Connecting to school network
nmcli connection add type wifi con-name "CampusWifi" ifname wlan0 ssid eduroam
nmcli connection edit CampusWifi
set 802-1x.eap peap
set 802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2
set 802-1x.identity _yourUsername_
set 802-1x.password _yourPassword_
set wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap
you might need to set 802.11… SSID
DNS Changing
nvim /etc/resolv.conf
- Remove the google DNS and add your own
- Set the file to have Immutable File Attribute with
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
Disable IPv6
Sometimes in DNS can be bypassed with IPv6. To stop this, you must disable ipv6.
nmcli connection show
. Get the network namenmcli connection modify "network name" ipv6.method "disabled"
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager