Provides SDKs that can connect from different frameworks. It also has Firebase


  1. AWS IAM User Creation
  2. npm i @aws-amplify/cli
  3. amplify configure
    1. us-east-1
    2. Create a new user profile
    3. Create a new access key
  4. amplify init
    1. Gen 1
    2. default profile
  5. There should now an amplify folder in your project
  6. amplify add API > REST After you make changes to your file, make sure you amplify push so the cloud is updated.

Amplify + React

  1. npm install react@^18.0 react-dom@^18.0
  2. npm i aws-amplify
  3. in your main page.tsx, add:

Post-Installation Files


This is your lambda function you created


These are code tests for your lambda function