Part 21: How to compile a program:
To compile a raw c program to executable, use gcc -ggdb -m32 -o [filename] [filename.c]
To compile a raw c program to raw assembly, use gcc -S -m32 -O0 [filename.c]
The big thing here is the -S flag. It converts c to AT&T syntax. -m32 creates an executable and -O0 will tell compiler binary optimization. We have 0 so no optimization, changing it to 1,2 or 3 would make the code so much smaller but omit some information.
.s is our assembly file extension.
To convert assembly code into a binary object file, use gcc -m32 -c [filename.s] -o [filename.o]
To create binary executable from the binary code, use gcc -m32 [filename.o] -o [filename]
Keep in mind we are using AT&T syntax now. If you run objdump, then you will view the result:
Notice how the source and destinations are reversed and each one starts with a %
Now that we have the executable, we can start disassembling.
gdb -q [filename] to open the file
b main. Set breakpoint to main function
r. Run the program
disas. disassemble
Now if we want to make an assembly code then compile it, the process is as such
as –32 -gstabs -o [filename.o] [filename.s]
ld -m elf_i386 -o [filename] [filename.o]
Intel 32bit compiling
To compile your newly written assembly, type:
nasm -f elf32 [filename].asm
ld -m elf_i386 -0 [filename] [filename.o]