This is the low level language used to write operating systems. For in-depth C knowledge, consult C History
My build command
gcc -o myfile -g myfile.c -lm
-o makes a new object file
-g enables debugging symbols
-lm links modules
Building as DLL
gcc -c mydll.c
gcc -shared -o mydll.dll mydll.o
-c compiles to object file
-shared tells it to make a dll
-o points it to its result file
Linking an executable to DLL
- If you are in the same directory as your DLL, then you can just build like normal.
gcc -o myfile -g myfile.c
- If the DLL is somewhere else, consult:
C++ Compile Process
you need 3 tools:
- Compiler
- Linker
- Archiver From these, you can make an
- Executable
- Dynamic Linked Library
Datatypes & Special Datatypes
- C Datatypes
- Integer Division 1
- C Strings
- C Typecasting
- C Escape Codes
- Pointer
- C Arrays
- C Matrices
- C Structures
- C Unions
Variable Types
Control Flow
- C While Loops
- C For Loops
- C Conditional Statements
- C Switch Statements
- Do While Loops
- Break
- C goto
- Loop Testing
Experienced C Tricks
- Assignments = Expressions
- Several Conditions Inside For Loops
- Typecasting Parameters
- i++ and ++i return usage
- Static Name Collision Avoidance
- Array Of Pointers