Creating an isolated environment of python packages independent from preexisting packages on the system. It allows you to configure the:

  • python interpreter
  • software libraries
  • binaries to be specific version to support your python projects


pip install virtualenv


python -m venv <directory> it makes a directory or populates a current directory with the basic files python -m venv venv is the standard directory name

Activate Virtual Environment

when you are inside of the directory,


source bin/


source bin/activate


.\Scripts\activate To see if you are in a venv, type pip list You should have pip, wheel, setuptools, python-dotenv installed. (If you dont, install them manually)

Deactivate Virtual Environment

When in a venv, just type deactivate and then you will deactivate it

Freezing Files

pip freeze >> requirements.txt To install from requirements.txt, pip install -r requirements.txt