A weighted mean exists when you have several variables that impact the average at different weights. Example: quizzes are less than tests

Weighted mean: something has a little more effect on the average Unweighted mean: all things have same effect on average


Tests: 30% Quizzes: 20% Assignments: 20% Culminating Project: 10% Final Exam: 20%

Bobert has not yet written his final exam, but his marks so far are: 90 for test 78 for quizzes 82 for assignments 85 for culminating project

a) What is the weighted mean before final exam? 67.5/80 = 0/84375 = 84%

b) 0.2*90 + 0.2*78 + 0.2*82 + 0.2*85 this is equal to 67 Idk why

c) What mark does he need for his final exam to have 84% in total? 87.35…


If weights dont add to one

w: the weights for the respective value.

If weights add to one