You use the Definite Integral Darboux Sum Definition or Definite Integral Darboux Sum Epsilon Reformed Definition to prove non-integrability.


Consider the Dirichlet Function: Then, to show non-integrability, we want to show that the upper darboux sum is not equa lower darboux sum.

  1. Let be arbitrary and suppose
  2. Let be an arbitrary partition
  3. Then, the lower Darboux sum =
    1. as the minimum is always 0, as there is always an irrational in a set by Density
    2. by Linearity dist prop and since is a Telescoping Series
  4. Then, the upper Darboux sum =
    1. as the maximum is always 1, as there is always a rational in a real set by Density
    2. by Linearity dist prop and since is a Telescoping Series
    3. by defn of partiton
  5. Note that , as , thus , thus the f(x) is not Integrable

Example with Integral Reformulation

  1. Let
  2. Proving is not integrable on
  3. We can show this by proving the negation of the Integral Reformulation definition. In other words, lets prove that partitions on s.t
  4. Choose
  5. Let be an arbitrary partition of
  6. Note that
  7. Note that