A socket is an endpoint for communication. When 2 processes want to communicate over a network, 2 sockets are made.
The sockets are identified by IP address + port number
Client initiates request for connection. It is assigned a random port greater than 1024
Server waits for client requests from specific port
Request is received
Server accepts connection from client
The ports that the server waits for are well defined. Telnet is 23, ftp is 21, http is 80, ssh is 22. All ports from 1-1024 are well known.
packets(data) traveling between client and server are delivered to the appropriate port number.
By the way, you can have multiple clients connect to one server, they just all must have a different port.
Socket/Node programming
A method of two-way communication between 2 applications on the same network. It utilizes sockets/endpoint bound by port number on an ip so that the tcp layer can identify applications. A socket/endpoint is the combination of an ip address and port number.
Nodes are colloquial terms for devices. One node listens on a particular port of an ip while the other reaches out the instigate a connection.
We are responsible for programming socket commands that perform different actions depending on what signal another node sends. The following is the process:
Socket creation
socket.socket() - create a socket
socket.bind(host,port) - bind the socket to a host and a port
Socket send. instigate
socket.send() - send a signal
Socket receiving process
socket.listen() - constantly listen for a send signal
socket.recv() - received the signal and decode the message
Socket closing
socket.close() - close the socket