Network Disconnect from Cable

When there is no network, run ipconfig/ifconfig. If there is an APIPA address, then there is a clear disconnect between the device and the DHCP server.


  1. Check Ethernet Cable connectivity
  2. Check power in DHCP server
  3. Check if NIC is enabled in Windows Device Manager

Link Light Connectivity

There may be a cable connection issue if the link-light does not have a stable green light and a flashing orange light. May be caused by:

NIC Diagnostic

  • Sometimes NIC driver installations come bundled with diagnostic software to check the NIC circuitry.
  • Install a Loopback Plug which sees if it can receive data it sends towards itself.

Cable Testing

Using a Time-Domain Reflectometer on a cable will tell you:

  • Where the cables broke
  • How far a length the cable is Ensure you test with the cable unplugged from both ends and a loopback device on the opposite end

Cable Tracing

If a setup has multiple cables, that it is too hard to trace its cause, then use a toner generator and toner probe.

  1. Place the toner generator at one end of the cable
  2. When the toner probe is touching the cable with the toner generator on the other side, it will make a sound

Can’t Ping Default Gateway

  • The router is down

Duplex Mismatch

The network devices configured at different duplex versions. It will cause slower network communication.