What I Learned
- Do not try a keyboard build made for t4 diodes with standard round diodes
- Use QMK with USB-2 (The Black one)
- Always get a small fan beside you when you solder - dont inhale a lot of fumes like I did
- Once your solder tip dulls, it is fucked, throw it out
- Check diode connectivity by shorting the switch pads before actually installing the switches
- Ensure diode arrows follow the correct diode direction
My Major Fuckups
- Wasting 8/10 PCBs
- Reading the diode infographic wrong and placing then in the complete opposite direction
- Burning myself with soldering iron (3 times)
- Dropping a soldering iron on the floor - I had to buy a new one
- Using up 100 diodes, buying another 100, and then using 98 of them having 2 diodes left over
- Flashing the wrong firmware on my corne, spending 6 hours trying to fix hardware problems when it was a firmware problem
- Trying to short RST and GND, looking at my screen when the problem was that I was using a USB-1 Cable
- Buying lead solder
Final Build Files
- https://github.com/Runningtarrens/Mcorne/blob/main/files/corne%20split_bot_rechts_v4.stl