Looking at the wider economic spectrum and how it impacts countries as a whole
Economic Goals & Systems
Price Stability
Income Inequality
- Equity
- Marxism 1
- Capitalism
- Human Development Index
- Lorenz Curve
- Income Inequality
- Poverty
- Marginalized Groups
- Universal Basic Income
- Trade Theory - The concept of trade
- Balance of Trade - Best conditions of trade
- Foundations of Trade - Brings up the utilitarian reasons for trade
- Globalization - Integrating economies
- Trade Agreement - The terms of trade between countries
- Trade Bloc - The terms of trade a group of countries makes with other countries
- Foreign Exchange - Exchange rates
- International Economic Institutions - Worldwide financial aid
- Protectionism - Anti-Globalization
- Underdevelopment - Why countries are underdeveloped
- Free Trade - Trade does not restrict imports or exports
- Fair Trade - Anti-Free Trade