An artificial being created by an act of law to own and operate a business. It is a separate legal entity (NOT a Business Proxy) It is something that exists and is recognized in the courts.

  • Limited Liability
  • Right to borrow and lend money
  • Duty to pay taxes
  • Right to sue
  • Liability of being sued
  • Right to hire & fire people
  • Right to buy,sell and own property
  • Some paperwork (not alot)
  • Some interaction with government (not alot)
  • Some fees (not alot)

Setting up a Coorporation

  • Get an incorporation form. You can go to
  • Fee is $360-500
  • Provide business name, address, name of directors, purpose of business, number of shares to sell
  • Afterwards, you get a certificate of incorporation saying that the business entity is officially created


Corporation Types