These are XML files used by RSS feeds to view for changes in:

  • News sites
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts


  1. npm i rss In your project
  2. mkdir feed.xml
  3. nvim feed.xml/route.js Add this to the route.js:
import RSS from "rss";
import { metadata } from "../../layout";
// Export the route handler
export async function GET() {
    const feed = new RSS({
        title: metadata.title,
        description: metadata.description,
        site_url: metadata.url,
        feed_url: `${metadata.url}/blog/feed.xml`,
        pubDate: new Date(),
	// some code for each web blog entry
    return new Response(feed.xml(), {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8',