Knowledge gathered from the 5 senses. I perceive/feel therefore I know. This is the basis of Science (Empiricism)


Senses are fallible

We can be halicunated or depraved of accurate senses. Our senses may not track the truth. Phenomenal Conservatism


Some people discern colors better than others. People can disagree about empirical observations. Not everybody has the same intuitions.

Counter Arguments

Our moral judgements also concern our own wellbeing, so we are bound to disagree. There are downstream consequences to various moral policies. We intrinsically have motivation to certain moral beliefs. This differs from disagreement in Mathematics.

How intuitions track the truth

Contrast With Other Sciences

Other areas of our life, like Mathematics and Metaphysics also have the same concerns. Intuitions guide our beliefs that certain axioms are the correct choice.


You can see the fruits of mathematics by affirmings its truth by making rockets and guns and all those feats of engineering only possible through mathematics.

Moral Truth Dependent of Intuition

Moral truth will come from our Rawls intuition, they will be Mind Dependent from a blank-slate