Do Moral Facts require knowledge inaccessible to us? Furthermore, does a lack of knowledge of these Moral Facts result in immorality? In other words, can morality be learned?

List Of Morality

There could be a system of rules mapping each action to a moral status of:

  • Forbidden
  • Required
  • Permissible This Action-Guiding list must be learned, and since we don’t know it, we may all be immoral in some aspects. If moral facts must be learned, than morality cannot be Action-Guiding


The system of moral rules will all be built off a foundation. This foundation could be based off:

Extent of Knowledge

6th Sense

Similar to how one can understand language and not know the deeper structure and rules of language, ethics can also be inately understood without prior understanding of its rules. Ethics is like a 6th sense

Sense Modality & Empiricism

Our knowledge of what is right or wrong is based off Intuition. It yields the appearance of rightness/wrongness. Similar to how we use our Intuition for Mathematics.

General Principles

All we know are general principles, and all our moral decisions build off these general principles. These principles can include:

  • It is wrong to harm the innocent
  • We should aid those in need This is a limited capacity of knowledge, and very frequently these principles will conflict with each other in Moral Dilemmas where we cannot be certain of any action.